The Most Accurate Wraith Heirloom Project Progress

The Most Accurate Wraith Heirloom Project Progress

The new Wratih kunai is half painted now.

wraith kunai

A few details are still need to be finished.

wraith heirloom

Soon we will see the final product.

wraith kunai apex

wraith heirloom replica

Trying to improving the painting job of Wraith kunai.

wraith kunai painting

wraith kunai replica

 Wraith heirloom with the holder

Wraith kunai with holder

Painted Wraith Heirloom

wraith heirloom

wraith heirloom with holder

Wraith heirloom with golden color display holder

wraih heirloom with display holder

want to order the Wraith kunai? click here

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